My Reflection for Term One

The two most impressionable tools I’ve used in Information Technology are Google Drive and FloorPlanner. Throughout the term, we were required to a variety of tools such as Stupeflix, Pixton, WordPress, and the aforementioned. FloorPlanner was used for my scale replica of the classroom. Some other ways I would have used FloorPlanner was if I went into architecture or remodeled my room. I’ve used Google Drive for my PC for University presentation.  Google Drive was an interesting tool because it automatically saves your work but also has an undo option.  Therefore, Google Drive was my first choice for my other presentations and future projects.

Digital Story!


The tools I explored when I did my digital story were Stupeflix and PhotoPeach. I liked Stupeflix better because of the layout so that’s the tool I used. PhotoPeach looked confusing and Stupeflix had themes to chose from like ‘Scrapbook’, which I’ve used in my story. Thanks for watching!


Our task was to make a scale replica of our IT room on Floorplanner. I learned a lot about how measurements do matter and how to create a precise model of something. I think that this could apply to jobs (e.g. architects) and if you want to become a room decorator.
