All posts by crossfires137

Term Two Reflection

This term, I’ve learned a lot about programming and trying to fix tiny problems that end up making a huge glitch in the game. I’ve learned about point systems and how to scroll in scratch. Also, I learned that excel can solve most of my copy and pasting problems. This term had me wondering about computer sciences and how to make something inside a computer do what you want. I wish that I could improve on my programming skills because I see that there’s a lot of potential in computers. I also wish to improve my patience because I get mad at my game when it doesn’t work properly. Overall, this was an informative term.

Scratch Games

Games I made:

One of the games I made was Nine Lives. It required a dog to chase the cat whilst it tried to eat kibble. The cat is controlled by the mouse pointer and follows it.

Pong 2.0 was a basic pong game but with my design. It requires two people to play and it goes up to five points and you lose a point each time you let the pong ball hit your side. The controls of Pong 2.0 are keyboard.

The Maze Game was a bit more complicated because you had to make your own backdrops which was infuriating because it’s hard to make straight lines. The player has to avoid getting caught by the dog and still make it through the maze.

Lastly, there’s my game, the Racing Pizza Game. My game required the player to shoot pizzas at other cars to make his mean boss mad. The player uses space to shoot the pizzas and uses the arrow keys to move it’s place..

My Reflection for Term One

The two most impressionable tools I’ve used in Information Technology are Google Drive and FloorPlanner. Throughout the term, we were required to a variety of tools such as Stupeflix, Pixton, WordPress, and the aforementioned. FloorPlanner was used for my scale replica of the classroom. Some other ways I would have used FloorPlanner was if I went into architecture or remodeled my room. I’ve used Google Drive for my PC for University presentation.  Google Drive was an interesting tool because it automatically saves your work but also has an undo option.  Therefore, Google Drive was my first choice for my other presentations and future projects.


Our task was to make a scale replica of our IT room on Floorplanner. I learned a lot about how measurements do matter and how to create a precise model of something. I think that this could apply to jobs (e.g. architects) and if you want to become a room decorator.


Titanic Fail

People rather do useless things on phones rather than do things that could help them or those around them.  For example, in this comic, Rose takes a selfie instead of helping Jack. Technology can be good but if you let it take over your choices, it can be bad.
